


Already 562km covered.

Snow, sun and rain. Uphill, downhill. In the mud and in the rocks. Together.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Race results!

They did it!

Battling through wind and rain, sun and cheers, they reached the mark!

Here are the race results:


Nicolas - 36m43s

Video - Photos

  • Gaël - 1h58m24s 
  • Sara - 1h54m17s
Video - Photos
  • Johana - 1h42m17s
Video - Photos
  • Greg - 1h37m19s

Saturday, November 4, 2017

All the pictures

The link towards the shared album is here


They did it!

Sara, Johana, Gaël and Grégoire covered the 21.1 km, distance separating La Tour de Peilz (Vevey) from Ouchy (Lausanne). Running at their own pace, but concentrated and determined, the team members pushed it to the limits, with the following result: despite a significant and continuous front wind, everyone finished in a shorter time than their personal objectives. Special congratulations to Sara and Gaël who had the 2h barrier as a target and who made it in way less.