


Already 562km covered.

Snow, sun and rain. Uphill, downhill. In the mud and in the rocks. Together.

Friday, May 4, 2018

No time wasted

The fight goes on!

It is hard to describe the feelings that went through our hearts since we heard that Dani had to put on the fighting gloves and go back to the ring so soon (https://miluchacontraewing.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/back-to-the-old-ways/)There is one message that we would like to send you, Dani: 

<< Dani, it is always the same story with you... You tell us we are supposed to go on a "one year marathon" and we end up facing an "ironman triathlon" You know that we don’t all have your kind of cross training and endurance!!! And now, we’ll have to learn how to swim and bike...>>

More seriously, we just wanted to say that, whether it is a marathon or an ironman, we will be here, alongside you. The fight goes on.