


Already 562km covered.

Snow, sun and rain. Uphill, downhill. In the mud and in the rocks. Together.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Tomorrow is the big day!

8 weeks... This is the amount of time our ultra-motivated "Vamos Dani" team just spent training. On a basis of 4 times a week, the best they could. Despite complicated schedules, despite the small pains and injuries, the team has summed up the kilometres, one by one. We set the goal to the symbolic values of 1000 km to be reached since we started running along. Why 1000km? First, because it had to be something huge, something that would be hard to reach, something to they would have to fight for.  Second, because roughly speaking it is the distance that separates us from Barcelona and Dani (910km to be precise).

Tomorrow Sara, Johana, Gaƫl and Greg will be running their first half marathon with the only goal to finish. Each and everyone at his own pace, but to finish. Because all of this is about fighting, holding on and finishing. Almost one year ago now, Dani was starting his own race - probably the hardest of all. Now as he is getting closer everyday to the finish line, we will be there to run along - together.

Good luck everyone and Vamos Dani!

1 comment:

  1. And this is the best tribute I could ever get! I only hope I can finally finish this endeavor and start running with you guys, you're awesome!!! :)
